Legal Tips

Camelia Ruffin Camelia Ruffin

Estate Planning and Why It Matters

55% of Americans die without a will or estate plan. Let that sink in. That means more than half the United States adult population hasn’t planned for their family’s future. Why? Some people say they haven’t had the time or that they have plenty of time to take care of it. But, in reality there’s no perfect time, age or reason to get your estate in order.

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Camelia Ruffin Camelia Ruffin

The Five Tips Any Single Mother Should Know About Estate Planning

Did you know that women are the head of household for nearly 45% of American homes? Did you also know that the U.S. Census Bureau reported that of 13 million unmarried parents, 80% were women? 

We're not sure about you but that seems like a lot of independent, phenomenal women running the show. Ranging in age, ethnicity, education, and income, these ladies all share at least one commonality. They make decisions for their families every day. What their children eat, what they wear, who they spend time with, where they attend school and who provides medical care.

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